Moving your interior design company to or from the Tri-State area? Whether you’re growing your business or pursuing personal growth, you probably have enough to focus on without the hassles of moving your business long-distance. Thankfully, there are some things that you can do to make long-distance moving a lot less stressful.
Tip #1: Get Started Sooner Rather Than Later.
Procrastination can a big-time stressor. Especially when you wind up rushing around at the last minute attempting to get everything accomplished before the big day. Fortunately, this problem is easy enough to solve. As soon as you know that your move is a sure thing, go ahead and get started. If you’re not sure where to begin, the following tips below will help you get that ball rolling.
Tip #2: Sort and Purge for a Simpler Move.
Chances are good that you won’t take everything you own with you when you move. Why not go ahead and decide what goes and what stays? Go through your inventory and make a list of all the items you want to bring with you then collect those you don’t. Next, you can decide what to do with the items you want to discard. Here are some options:
- Have a garage sale.
- Donate your items.
- Sell the items Online.
Tip #3: Transfer Utilities Ahead of Time.
Having a place of business that is comfortable and functional when you arrive will take a lot of the bite out of your move. You can schedule the transfer of all your major utilities ahead of time including your electricity, phone, and internet.
It’s also a good idea to put in your change of address form with the US Postal Service as soon as possible, and while you’re at it, make a list of all the people and entities that you will have to notify of your address change.
Tip #4: Get Your Employees Involved.
Moving your business isn’t just a major change for you; it can be a big stressor for everyone involved. Let your employees know about the move as soon as possible. Some of them might want to come with you and get involved in the relocation process. The others will appreciate having time and opportunity to plan for the loss of their current job and the need to locate new employment.
Tip #5: Hire Professional Tri-State Long-Distance Movers.
Unless you plan to pack, load, and deliver your belongings yourself, hiring professional Tri-State long-distance movers is a good idea. Just make sure that you’re working with a trusted team.
For a reliable Tri-State business moving company serving NY, NJ, and CT, contact Morgan Manhattan. We provide full-service moving at an honest price. Contact us for a personalized moving plan or to learn about our wide range of service options.
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